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Our companies
offer water treatment, energy and technology solutions

Our Group companies offer water treatment, energy and technology solutions for industrial and municipal clients.

Solutions for industrial and municipal clients

Our Group companies offer water treatment, energy and technology solutions for industrial and municipal clients. In addition, they offer services related to their own industries, including project planning, tailored delivery solutions, and installation, service and maintenance. Ekomuovi also has its own product manufacturing.  

Group companies have offices throughout Finland. OleiniTec Nordic has three locations in Sweden.  

Our group companies 

Höyrytys Oy – www.hoyrytys.fi 
Hyxo Oy – www.hyxo.fi 
Sakutek Oy – www.sakutek.fi 
Ubitec Oy – www.ubitec.fi 
Ekomuovi Oy – www.ekomuovi.fi 
KMV-tuotteet Oy – www.kmv.fi 
OleiniTec Nordic AB – www.oleinitec.se 
Enico Oy – www.enico.fi 

WEST Invest Group’s sister company Filter Group offers energy and water solutions and services for SMEs in sectors including heating and cooling, the wood and textile industries, and the food and chemical industries in several European countries. Read more about Filter Group


Höyrytys Oy offers comprehensive energy production solutions for different energy sources, as well as related expert services.


Hyxo Oy is an expert company that offers customer-focused technical and project planning solutions for water treatment. In addition, it imports high-quality water treatment, process and laboratory technology, as well as process meters from leading international suppliers. 


Sakutek Oy is an expert in the design, logic programming, installation and maintenance of electrical and automation solutions. The company manufactures electrical and automation systems tailored to individual customer needs, from small control centres to large-scale, demanding switchgear systems and containerised solutions.


Ubitec Oy specialises in industrial automation maintenance and electrical services especially for the energy, pulp and paper, and waste management and recycling sectors.  


Enico Oy provides innovative and modular energy storage solutions that balance the production and consumption of renewable energy and meet the various needs of clients.


Ekomuovi Oy specialised in the design, manufacture and maintenance of plastic products and solutions for industrial clean water and wastewater plants.


KMV-tuotteet Oy specialises in water treatment, pumping stations, filtering and pumps. The company imports pumps, pumping stations and water treatment equipment. The product portfolio covers both drinking water and wastewater solutions.  

OleiniTec Nordic

OleiniTec Nordic AB offers instruments and solutions for various analytical tasks ranging from basic parameters to demanding and complex systems.