Home / Tommi Salonen appointed to boards of WEST Invest Group companies

Tommi Salonen appointed to boards of WEST Invest Group companies

Tommi Salonen (47) has been appointed to the boards of WEST Invest Group companies as of 1 September 2023. Salonen will serve on the boards of WEST Invest Group Oy, Hyxo and Höyrytys. In addition, he will serve as Chair of the Board of Sakutek and Ubitec. 

Tommi Salonen is Executive Chair and owner of Swot Consulting Finland Oy. In addition, he serves as Chair of the Board of Lojer, Suomen Hissiurakointi and Stemma. 

Salonen has been familiar with WEST Invest Group companies for more than 10 years. He has been involved in strategy projects for Höyrytys and Enico, for example, and has conducted business and market research for WEST Invest Group. 

“I warmly welcome Tommi to the boards of WEST Invest Group companies. I am happy that we have attracted a competent and experienced business executive from outside the Group to strengthen our board work. Tommi has strong experience in such areas as business analysis, strategy work, change projects and ownership arrangements. I believe that Tommi’s versatile experience will be of great benefit to us,” says WEST Invest Group CEO Harto Viiala.  

“I am excited to be able to participate in the activities of WEST Invest Group companies now also through board work. I see the prospects of the Group and its companies as very interesting and full of opportunities. Long-term family ownership creates a solid foundation for utilising these opportunities,” says Tommi Salonen. 

More information

Harto Viiala, CEO, tel. 010 417 4110