Home / Ubitec and Hyxo sign Service Partner agreement – Significant cost advantages for customers through internal cooperation 

Ubitec and Hyxo sign Service Partner agreement – Significant cost advantages for customers through internal cooperation 

Ubitec and Hyxo have signed a Service Partner agreement in 2023. Ubitec is currently providing mechanical maintenance services for slurry loops and valves used in wastewater treatment plants.

In the cooperation model, Ubitec’s expert maintenance team is responsible for the maintenance tasks of Hyxo’s customers in Pirkanmaa. In addition, maintenance and repair work is also carried out elsewhere in Finland for certain joint customers of Ubitec and Hyxo. 

Cooperation offers wide range of benefits 

For various reasons, Hyxo’s service response times began to increase around 2022, when the company concluded that its own service team was insufficient and recruitment would take too much time. The idea of asking Ubitec for a service technician arose out of a singular urgent need, and subsequent cooperation was developed based on the good experiences. 

According to Mika Karjalainen, Service Business Director at Hyxo, the service cooperation makes it possible to achieve flexibility in resourcing within the WEST Invest Group. 

“Our main goal was, of course, to be able to offer an even better service to our customers. In cooperation with Ubitec, we are now able to offer our maintenance services significantly faster and more flexibly to our customers. In addition, our customers receive significant cost savings when we can use Ubitec’s local service experts,” Karjalainen says. 

Customer satisfaction can be seen in growing orders 

According to Antti Linkomäki, Project Manager, Service, at Ubitec, cooperation began already at the end of 2022, first with the help of one service technician. 

“As our competencies grew and Hyxo found that the arrangement was working, the number of service tasks referred to Ubitec also increased. Our first team member trained the next guy to join the service team, and now we already have four people. Service tasks mainly include electrical work related to slurry loops and valves, and partly also to filters.” 

Linkomäki sees benefits for all parties in the cooperation. 

“Agility is our trump card. The customer benefits not only financially but also in terms of time, since maintenance can be performed locally. Internally, we have been able to utilise our skilled employees to the benefit of all parties. Customers have been satisfied, which can be seen in the fact that discussions have started with some of them about entering into a service contract. Additional work has also been obtained from fault inspections.” 

This year, the plan is to expand cooperation to cover the maintenance of other equipment, for example UV and filter equipment. 

“We have such a high level of mechanical and electrical expertise. In the end, electricity is electricity and mechanics is mechanics. The important thing is to understand how the entire system works, and electricity is part of the whole,” Linkomäki adds.